Your-Self-Interest Will Drive You to Develop a Balanced Approach to Your Desires and Needs

Your-self-interest is an excellent and intelligent driver that will cause you to develop your own balanced approach to your needs and desires.  Whether you like it or not, are aware of it or not, have written it nicely down or not you all have desires and needs in various areas of your life.  The question is can you balance or distribute your individual efforts proportionately to all those areas.  The answer is to have a balanced vision preferably in a picture or photo or diagram or audio/video recording - whatever makes you comfortable - to capture your-self-interest.  As long as you can refer to this picture frequently and easily.  A simple well organised filing system will do.  Today we have access to all sorts of software on desktops and mobile devices connected to clouds that you can use.  You simply have got no excuse to say you don't have your goal picture in place.  Your goals picture is a summary of your desires and needs.  Only here do you have the advantage of using the "SMART" acronym to manage your efforts to achieve our desires and needs.

Move From Self-Interest to Your-Self-Interest

In the process of bringing into your life each personal quality, you automatically are bringing into life each of your self interests.  Just Like you can see in the soccer-ball-like image above all your personal qualities in one single glance, so also your goals to achieve your self interests should be that way. The ball-like picture expresses the fact that these desires and needs inside developing personal qualities.

Your-Self-Interest Will Drive You to Develop Your Own Way of Using the "SMART"

Your self-interest has nothing with being selfish but all to do with being a SMART person.  You deliberately are pursuing life in a smart way. You are specific in what you want.  You want to Measure the things that you want.  You are focussed on Attaining the things you want and not any other things. You are Realistic in the things you want to achieve.  This realistic has nothing to do with your DREAM goal, because your dreams may include a group - your family, your organisation, your community, your nation, your region, your continent or indeed the world at large, including eternity.

Your Dream Are Your Dreams

Your Dreams are dreams and you should pursue them as your dreams, firmly liking and enticed by your dreams, letting no one distract you from pursuing your dreams.  So here, see realistic as being able to fit in with the others -  that is the S. M. A and T.  Then you are a Timely person focussed on achieving a goal within a specific timeframe.  Now you can see that you are a SMART person.  Even just under normal circumstances no one wants to wait without end for something to happen. The most important thing is to strike a balance (note: will open in a new window) of all your personal qualities.  In fact we are all SMART.  We just need to build enough courage and boldness to live up to it in a calculated way.

Short Bursts of Work Can Help You Focus on One Thing In Say "Half a Day" 

One thing I have discovered is that, as your-self-interest, you need to follow what you say with action.  This means if you are not going to act do not say anything and if you say something then follow it with the action needed.  But where do you start?  First we should take important notice of the truth that to speak or talk is in and of itself a type of action.  So you should carefully think and formulate what you want to say.  Secondly speak or say what you will do. If need be mediate on the statement.   Thirdly, do what you just said.

Now, Consider That Situation You Faced...

Did your self interests drive you to have a balanced approach?

Did you move from self-interests to your self interests?

Did you notice that your dreams are actually your dreams?

Did you focus on one unit of work at a time in that situation?

Self-awareness-development-situations is here to enable you to get your victories and keep your victories. So that when you overcome a situation you will keep overcoming it's manifestations because you utilise very potent tools to succeed. This is your formidable challenge in life. It is normal! You will go through such challenges several times in your life. You will come to realise that whether it was during your childhood, teenage, youth, young adult, adult or old-age the same tools remain potent for your success - your continual upgrade of your self-awareness-development-situations.  The first thing you should know about self-awareness-development-situations is that YOU must do it!  The second thing is that you CANNOT run away from this, avoid it in any way, delegate to someone else, transfer your awareness development to your ancestors or your children or just leave it alone - all these in your attempts will just be an exercise in futility.  Thirdly, is that when it comes to self-awareness-development-situations there is NO employer - ALL are employees or workers, albeit, at different levels of the self-awareness-development-situations Tree.  The situations of life that each and everyone of us find ourselves in are the employers, irrespective of what you do you will always find yourself in a given situation. Therefore, situations are coming, Beware!!!

If you said yes to any of the above questions it would be a good time to pause and reflect on what you can do to sharpen your response ability in that area.  If you would like to here from us when more articles become available feel free to send us your message on our contact us page or go directly to our What's New! page.

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