Be Thoroughly Acquainted With Why You Exist - Your-Purpose

Your individual life and your-purpose are like your births marks on one side and your body on the other side.  You cannot separate these things which are together from birth until.  But you can also be negligent about any birth marks you have on your body until someone reminds you of them. Well this is perhaps your time to remember, I guess.  How you know your-purpose determines how you participate in any activity in any situation and how you choose situations to participate in either actively or passively.  Indeed you could also initiate situations for you to advance your life's purpose.  Here are a number of your-purpose "birth marks" inside your purpose you might have long forgotten - personal vision, mission, strategy, tactics, and actions.

Move From Self-Purpose to Your-Purpose

Your-purpose is to leave up to the best states of all your qualities all together. Just by looking at the soccer ball of personal qualities above you will realise that your-purpose carries a lot.  Any situation you will find yourself in always requires you to demonstrate your best ability to combine one or more of these personal qualities in such a manner as to manifest, at your personal best, truth, honesty, justice, purity, love, goodness, moral excellence, and laudation to the rest of the world.  But you should act in the context of your personal vision.

Your-Purpose Gives You Your Vision

What do you see?  You have heard the saying "let him who has eyes see...". Well let me tell you, you do have physical eyes.  Your eyes you need to activate are the eyes inside your physical eyes - your invisible eyes. There is a portal between your invisible eyes and your physical visible eyes.  Your vision - what you see with your invisible eyes - is captured from your eternal (where you come from and are going) purpose and passed on to your physical visible eyes for you to write down, remember and live up to during your life on earth.  In this way your purpose give you your vision.

Your-Purpose is Your Invisible "Being"

So if you have a purpose and you are a person, then your purpose is an actual being, which is your person, which is you in the invisible.  Your purpose wants, or still better, yearns to become you in the flesh.  This connection is done via you activating your inside you through your invisible qualities, some of which are described in the article on self-identification.  The day you "see" this is like the world becomes new to you all over again.  You cannot explain this to anyone.  All they will see is how your focus has transformed.  This is why you should have your own secret (literally) place where you should sit and self-meditate on your-purpose.  When you meditate you are feeding on your purpose just like you eat normal meals 3 or 5 or 7 times a day.

Your Vision Introduces Your Mission

Once you "see" your vision you begin to see your mission unfolding.  Your vision is your main portal to get your mission accomplished. When you have decoded your purpose and your vision, you formulate your mission to consist of your-personal-goals and objectives, your-values and your-emotions and your-motives.  The key is if you don't know your mission you will end up doing an impossible mission.

Your Mission is to Express The Best of Your Personal Qualities

Your mission in life is to ultimately express the best states of your outward personal qualities using your occupation as a big username and password. In the image above, I have attempted to provide a soccer-ball view of some of the very important personal qualities that you as a person should own and strive to realise the best states thereof in the course of performing your occupation.  To do your-purpose, you will need to uncover, develop, and nurture all these qualities inside you, as part of your self-identification, self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-development process.  These are not an option especially if you want to finish your life strong.  This is the gist of you leading yourself in life.

You Develop Your Mission's Strategy for your-purpose

Consider the world or your world and how your vision's realisation will impact it.  If possible paint a picture (nowadays you can use all sorts of tools such as voice, text, images) of the impact you foresee.  The reason you go to school is to be able to express your ideas in different ways.  Develop your strong basis for your mission: your mission's value proposition, your mission's unique space (not trying to duplicate others' missions) and your implementation options.

Every Situation is like Your "Birth Mark" and Dynamically Part of your-purpose

There is no situation - past, present, and future - that you have been in, are in, or will find yourself in that has no input to your life's mission. Put in another way strategy is all about practice.  If this is always true and never wrong, then your task in each and every situation is to determine what you are going to do in that situation to get in or get out some stuff for your strategy or your practice.  This is how you live a diligent and supreme life in every situation.  Since you spend more of your time inside situations, perhaps you should think of each "situation" as actually being part of your "birth marks", and therefore dynamically part of your-purpose.

Your Mission's Strategy has Tactics

Your mission's strategy is rarely all well documented. But you have it in your mind.  The important thing that for each sub-strategy (and you will have between 7 and 12 sub-strategies running simultaneously at any one time, whether explicitly or tacitly) in your overall strategy, you determine the best tactic to achieve your-objective.  In your sphere of thinking, you should think about many things at a time.  That is why you can write into your favourite notepad many things, one thing at a time.  In your sphere of doing, you only do one thing at a time.  So you have many tactics to achieve a sub-strategy and many sub-strategies to achieve your overall mission's strategy.

Your Tactics Contain Actions

Your tactics, being simply methods, are concerned with the quality of your actions in a situation.  Before you take action on something you need to consider a number of inputs from various role players.  Your inputs come from 11 dimensions and need equal weighted consideration before you act.  In this context action may mean no action at all.  Take note that talking is also an action.  So not saying anything, for example, in a given situation maybe your most correct action.  Your actions should produce results.  The results should always be taking you one step forward in your mission by delivering what is perfect or acceptable or good in the given situation and for your overall mission.

Your Actions Should have Perfect, Acceptable or Good Results

The action you decide to do should result in either a perfect result, an acceptable result or a good result.  This means your action has either a perfectly excellent impact, an acceptable impact or  a good impact in the eyes of yourself, your family, your community, your organisation or company on your society at large.  Your purpose is to make desirable consequences for you and others around you.  You make desirable consequences situation by situation.

Now, Consider That Situation You Faced...

Are you thoroughly acquainted with why you exist? Use a single phrase to describe your purpose.

Do you own your purpose or does your purpose own you?

Would you think of your purpose as being kind of like a "being"?

Can you describe your vision in a phrase?

Are you at one with your mission?

Have you developed your mission's strategy in a practical way?

Can you notice how every situation is like your "birth mark" and dynamically part of your purpose

Can you notice how your mission's strategy has tactics?

Can you notice how your tactics should contain actions?

Can you notice how your actions should have perfect, acceptable or good Results?

If you said yes to any of the above questions it would be a good time to pause and reflect on what you can do to sharpen your response ability in that area.  If you would like to here from us when more articles become available feel free to send us your message on our contact us page or go directly to our What's New! page.

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