Self-leadership-from-your-inner-person is your ability to allow your mind to configure your 11 senses in your spirit, soul and body for maximum cooperating and collaborating performance as a team. Your configuration is in such a way that you achieve a normalcy position and relationship that releases the synergy potential amongst your senses of Intimacy, Intuition, Conscience, Will, Intellect, Emotion, Sight, Hear, Smell, Touch, and Taste.
You know your five senses well. You use these everyday and you control them from your soul environment, which houses your Will, Intellect, and Emotion to at best respond or at worst react to situations. Currently, your ability to respond is largely a function of your soul environment where your mind is located. Your current configuration looks like the following...
Seldom, though, have you taken your mind on an excursion to understand how your psyche (what others have called "climbing your Tree Of Life". Self-leadership is where your thoroughly mature mind cooperates and collaborates intelligently with your
Intimacy, Conscience and Intuition to retrieve and dispense your personal economy through your exercise (or should I say your gym) of the mountains and valleys in your mind.
This economy is what you came with anyway when you came into this world. You just did not realise
that you already have a comprehensive personal economy. But you need to mature your mind to be able to work competently with your spirit as well as your body, leading in all situations. Then your configuration will look like the following...
You will notice that you have an innumerable number of interactions in real-time between your different parts in each and between the three environments. You will notice also that you have a total of "11 players" between the three environments. A good example of 11 players for you is the team players on each side in a soccer match. Now, imagine how much you lose when you do not engage the full compliment of all your 11 players in any situation. When you realize this you will begin to seek ways of best subjecting your outer man to self-leadership-from-your-inner-person as he/she is the engine you never realized was there with you all this while. Once you get this right this right will never look back to the old you, as you learn to supremely diligently adjust your configuration to enable you to pursue the following goals.
Your synergy potential is unleashed by the correct configuration of your spirit and your
soul in the position of normalcy. when correctly configured in priority, position and role,
each player will unleash its maximum energy and "your team" will produce potent
results in any situation. Leading from normalcy is a function of the maturity of your mind.
Now, you can consider a number of configurations. For example, a configuration
where you believe that your body occupies a higher priority in
comparison with your soul and that your soul occupies and plays a higher
priority role than your spirit. In this configuration, your spirit
is the lowest priority and role playing. Here your fives senses or players of your body are driving your Will through your executing or renegade Emotions, unable to return home - to whats others have called "emotional complexes" locate where? in your mind or psyche. You become sense-only dominated and driven via your renegade emotions. In another configuration you may opt to rather first find your self-Leadership-from-your-inner-person as the one leader who is your leader and intelligently yield to his/her leadership, as in the following.
In another configuration, you consider and believe that your spirit
occupies the highest position, priority and role in relation to your
soul. That is he/she is your self-leadership-from-your-inner-person and that your soul occupies the second most high priority,
position and role in relation to your body. In this configuration your
body occupies the lowest priority position and role. Here your three senses or players in your spirit are driving your Will or self-leadership through your Intellect. You become conscience-intuition-intimacy or spiritual dominated via your intellect.
In both these configurations, you should not misunderstand this to mean
importance. Importance applies to all your three parts. Your body is
very important to sense the natural environment around you and to
respond accordingly. But your body cannot respond to the natural
environment without your soul giving the go ahead. Your spirit has got
to have an input into your soul if your mind must make the right
decision in order for you to produce the right action in any situation in
the natural environment.
Your thoroughly mature mind can lead in all three environments. For you to achieve this kind of maturity you need to bring in Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Power, Knowledge, Honour and Respect. This means you will develop your thoroughly mature mind over any number of personal change interventions through techniques such as Authentic Leadership to grow into your own powerful all-rounded leader who is able to face today's integrated challenges.
Can you invoke your self-leadership-from-your-inner-person ability for mobilizing your "11 Players" to achieve potently high performance?
Can you respond to your situations rather than react?
Can you now take your mind to interact with your spirit?
Can you unleash your maximum potential while staying in your normalcy?
Can you use your self-leadership-from-your-inner-person to resist all urges to venture out of normalcy?
Can you lead yourself on your own original beautiful path?
Is your mind thoroughly mature to support your spirit?
If you said yes to any of the above questions it would be a good time to pause and reflect on what you can do to sharpen your response ability in that area. If you would like to here from us when more articles become available feel free to send us your message on our contact us page or go directly to our What's New! page.
Aug 09, 24 07:34 PM
Jun 21, 24 07:52 PM
Apr 12, 24 07:49 PM
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