Of all Your-Goals Your Number One Goal is to be either a Self-Starter or A Good Imitator

Of all your-goals your first goal is to either be the self starter you were created to be in life of to become a very good imitator. Why is this? Now, you most probably know that things tend to move in 3s.  For example, the sun, the moon, and the stars or ice, water, and water vapour.  In this case you have the self starter, the imitator, and the non starter.  Of all your-goals, your number one goal is to either be a self starter or a good imitator.  If you find yourself being an imitator, then you should aim to imitate self starters.  Life seems to suggest that a self starting person is one who is made of self-starter material by the Creator.  But to imitate and indeed become a good imitator is a skill you can learn.  Many of us fall in the imitator category of life.  The quicker you do this the faster you will get onto your next stage of pursuing your-goals.

Move From Self-Goals to Your-Goals

To set your-goals but not follow through with your required actions to achieve your goals is equal to having self-goals.  That is, you have goals but you do not have goals at the same time because you are doing nothing about them.  When you set your goals and go ahead to action and achieve your goals then you have taken ownership of your goals and are changing your life as a result of your actions.

Define SMART Goals

When you focus on something you give passionate direction and impact to your energy.  To focus you need to set your goals.  Your actions will always be directed at achieving your goals.  Start in a simple way to create a habit of targeting goals. For example, say you should finish this task before you go home today, or you should have submitted this report by the time you go to lunch or you should have agreed task for the week with each staff member by noon, or you should reward yourself with a cup of hot coffee when you submit this model to your colleague to check it. Can you notice the examples i have given are all already SMART.  They are Specific.  you can Measure, you can Action, your can Rely on achieving and the goal is Time bound. Any thing you do that is not time-bound has potential to waste a lot of time.  When talking about your goals the contrasts between the rich and poor (note: will open in a new window) are worth considering.

You Have Many Areas Where You Have Self-Awareness Development Goals, Choose Just One Area

Once you have your personal statement of purpose and your-identity sorted, which can range from one word, a phrase, a sentence, a paragraph or a whole page, you could decide to start with just one among many personal self-awareness development areas for your goals.  For example: physical, financial, social, or career.  Don't overwhelm yourself.  Start by choosing one area you are most interested in.  I started with my physical goals because I was more comfortable here than in any other area of my life.  Life is an amazing force.  You yourself will wonder how you got to 10 areas of your life and in each each having done so much.  When you are used to setting and achieving simple and straight forward goals in one area, the next area of your life automatically emerges as if it was being called up by the area you are working on right now.  And your awareness development continues unabated.

Have A Single One Stop View for All Your Goals

As you include more personal areas and get comfortable achieving simple personal goals in each area, you begin to feel that you need a single view of all your-goals.  This will help you inter-link your daily efforts so that you can do your action plans for each goal together, more like doing action plans for more than one goal with one action - inter-linked actions. Also you will start formulating your-goals in yearly, five yearly, ten yearly and so on up to lifetime goals, but your actions remain passionately simple.  When you do this you will also start to build your-goals into a tree like so that ultimately all your goals connect to your-purpose or your-vision goal.  If you are able to display your goals in a picture form this would even be more helpful to your memory and continual visual evaluation of where you are in your progress. Pluck this picture in a place such as your study or personal war room.

Now, Consider That Situation You Faced...

Is you number one goal to be a self starter or a good imitator?

Have you moved from self goals to your goals?

Have you defined SMART goals?

Have you chosen just one area to focus on among your awareness development goals?

Do you have a single one-stop view for all your goals?

If you said yes to any of the above questions it would be a good time to pause and reflect on what you can do to sharpen your response ability in that area.  If you would like to here from us when more articles become available feel free to send us your message on our contact us page or go directly to our What's New! page.

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